Test Prep

We have been preparing students for standardized tests since 2009 and are experts in high school and college preparation.

ExL Prep: The Future Starts Here

Whether it be for a high school entrance exam or the SAT, standardized tests are the number one way for a student to distinguish themselves when applying to the school of their choice.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to assist our students in gaining admission into the high school or college of their choice. We strive to provide students with a challenging educational environment while imparting the knowledge and skills that will allow them to achieve academic success in both high school and college. Through continuous academic support and personal guidance, we enable students to maximize their academic and personal potential while acquiring the discipline and study skills that will serve them throughout their academic careers and the rest of their lives.

Our Services:

Enrichment Programs

6th & 7th grade
Solidify Foundations
  • Flexible Hours
  • Small Group Setting
  • Targeted homework


Private & Catholic HS Prep
Entrance Exam Prep
  • (CBA, RBC, Trinity, etc.)​
  • Practice tests
  • Thorough preparation

Elite High School Prep

Rising 8th graders
Entrance Exam Prep
  • High school entrance exam prep
  • Targeted instruction
  • Practice tests
  • Thorough preparation


9th, 10th & 11th grade
Avg +200 SAT/+7 ACT
  • Custom tailored prep plan
  • Small group setting
  • Practice Tests

ExL Method

Over the last 15 years we have supported students in the greater Monmouth County area prepare for high school, college and beyond. We use a combination of frequent baseline knowledge assessments paired with individually targeted curriculum, homework and one on one tutoring to ensure our students have all the tools they need to ExL their test taking abilities. 

Alumni Network

Accepted students network keeps us up to date on test changes. and experiences.

Frequent Practice Tests

Frequent practice tests allow us to tailor your students learning plan based on their needs.

Small Group Tutoring

Small group learning allows individual attention at a lower cost than private tutoring. 

Targeted Homework

Our extensive library of homework helps your student focus their attention during extra hours.

Our network of local MCVSD, FRHSD and local Catholic High School alumni has helped us gain an excellent understanding of how to position your student for acceptance to the high school of their choice. 

As the SAT and ACT have evolved over the years, we have evolved with them. Our instructors consistently research College Board recommendations for test preparation and we are one of the only tutoring centers that offers a near exact online testing experience as what can be expected on the most recent online SAT update.

Fill out the contact form below to have one of our center directors reach out directly to understand your student’s needs. 

Our Success:

Get in Touch

Give us some information about your student and how we can help guide them to scholastic excellence. We will respond promptly.

Email Us

We will respond promptly via phone or email. Thanks!